Super clearing house - Beam registration
We have partnered with Beam for superannuation clearing house services. You can use Beam to pay super for all your employees through a single payment. Beam will then distribute the money to each employee's super fund according to your instructions.
Using clearing house for the first time
You must register with Beam before you can start using the clearing house. Before you can register with Beam, ensure you have completed the following details in Myaccountant’s Settings page:
1. Business details, including your address.
2. ABN details; and
3. Bank account details
Let’s now start the registration process with Beam.
In the side menu, click on Integrations option, then in Beam block click on Register and you will be taken to the online registration form to complete the registration process.
1. Your details
Confirm your details are correct. Your details will be pre-filled from the information in Myaccountant. It’s important that you check all your details are correct including your business details, registered business address, and contact details. When you’re satisfied your details are correct, click “Next” to proceed to the next screen.

2. Payment method
Beam offers multiple payment methods including EFT, BPay, and Direct Debit. The payment methods available to you will automatically appear.
You can also add Direct Debit account by clicking on “Add another” then add the BSB, account number, and account name. Click on the“Save” button and a new Direct Debit account will appear on the top of the screen.
You can also remove Direct Debit account by clicking on the account, then select “Remove”. A confirmation dialogue box will appear, confirm your choice and the account will be removed. Once your payment method is confirmed, click “Next” to proceed to the next screen.

3. Default fund
You will need to select at least one super fund as your default fund. If you do not have a default fund, and if you would like to use Australian Retirement Trust as your default fund, click on the ‘Select Australian Retirement Trust’ button and you will be able to register as aparticipating employer. If you would like to add an alternative or additional super fund, you can search for them using the “Search by” menu and searching by Fund name, “USI” (Unique Superannuation Identifier) or “ABN” (Australian Business Number).
To remove an existing default super fund, simply click onthe “X” next to the fund. When a default fund is removed, Beam will no longer send any member registration messages to that fund.

4. Terms and conditions
In the final step, you’ll need to accept the relevant Beam terms and conditions for your selection/s. A link to the Beam PDS is included in the terms and conditions, which you should consider before acquiring the product. If you have selected to join Australian Retirement Trust, you’ll also need to accept the Australian Retirement Trust participating employer terms and conditions. Take amoment to review the details and then, if you are satisfied, accept the terms and conditions and click “Next” to finish.

You are now registered with Beam. Click on 'Back to Myaccountant' button to go back to Myaccountant.