Manage plans and payment methods
In this article you will learn:
- How to add, update and delete payment method.
- How to subscribe or enable a plan and unsubscribe or disable the selected plan.
- How to access invoices for paid subscription.
Plans and Billing
You can manage your subscriptions, payment methods and access invocies for subscription payment from Plans & Billing page.
To access Plans & Billing page, click on the top right corner menu, then click on Plans & Billing in the drop down options.

Payment method
1. In the Payment Details card, click on Add Payment Details button.

2. You can use either your debti/credit card or setup direct debit. Select card option to enter card details or select bank option to enter your bank details. When finished click on Save button.

3. You can add multiple payment methods, and make any one payment method as your default payment method.

4. To delete any payment method, simply click on the bin icon.

Subscribing to a Plan
After entering payment details, you can subscribe to one of the 4 available plans. To subscribe simply click on Enable button.

To unsubscribe or disable a plan, click on disable button.

Subscription Invoice
Further below on the Plans & Billing page, you can access and download your subscription payment invoices.
Select the invoice you want to download, then click on Invoice link. The invoice will get downloaded and saved on your computer.