Snap, upload, store and access.

Upload and attach receipts and documents directly to your transactions.
Try Myaccountant for free

All in one place

Store all your business documents, expense receipts securely in one central location, accessible anytime, anywhere.

Stay organised

Categorise and tag your documents for easy search and retrieval, saving you time and reducing the hassle of paper clutter.

Tax and audit record keeping

Seamlessly link your uploaded documents and expense receipts with related transactions, providing a complete and organised records keeping for tax and audit.

Seamless collaboration

Share documents with your team or accountant, enabling real-time collaboration and eliminating the need for manual document sharing.

Simplify your record-keeping and stay compliant

We are helping you to manage your business records and stay compliant with the ATO's record keeping rules.
Try Myaccountant for free

Frequently asked questions

Can't find answer here? Contact our support

Is my data secure with Myaccountant?


Absolutely! Myaccountant employs industry-standard security measures to ensure the confidentiality and integrity of your stored documents.

Can I search for documents based on tags or keywords?


Yes, Myaccountant offers powerful search functionality that allows you to find documents quickly by using tags, keywords, or document descriptions.

Can I grant specific access permissions to different team members or my accountant?


No, Myaccountant does not provide customizable access controls, allowing you to grant specific permissions to team members or your accountant at this stage.

Still have questions? Check the help center or email us at